If you’re finding this holiday season particularly difficult to get into, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are also so many new ways to explore your favorite holidays that it can be relatively easy to get back into the spirit. Here are five ways to get yourself back in that holiday mood, just in time.
Holiday Potpourri
Smells are the sources of some of our greatest memories. The sense of smell is deeply linked with memory, so why not bring out your favorite holiday scents to see if you get inspired? Holiday candles have all manner of options – pine scent, apples, cinnamon, gingerbread, just about everything – to fill the air with cheer and good times. Of course, you can also whip up some great holiday food with your favorite holiday spices if you want the air thick with the smell of a holiday gathering. Other options might be potpourri or oil infusers to get those warm, cozy scents in the air.
Do You See What I See?
Holiday movies might be just the way to ease yourself into the festive season. Pick just one – maybe one that’s a little more holiday-adjacent, like Die Hard – and see if it gets some of those holiday feelings flowing. Bump up the holiday quotient with each successive movie and voila! By about movie three, you should be itching to watch some more. Maybe by then you can get to the other hallmark of the season – holiday music!
Curtain Lights
Decorating can be stressful and time consuming, making it harder to appreciate the holiday season each year. Picking a simple decoration like curtain lights, though, can bring in the holiday feelings without taking up too much effort and time. You can use curtain lights to separate rooms or simply fill your windows with warm holiday light. Since curtain lights are also LED lights, they use little energy and don’t generate much heat, so they are safe to leave on longer than other lights tend to be.
Holiday Treats
Whether you like to bake or not, filling the home with holiday snacks and candy is a great way to get back in the holiday spirit. Just like scents, flavors can also connect us with our memories, and food is one of the greatest ways to start and keep holiday traditions going. Making or buying your favorite holiday treats can be a little reminder that you deserve the things you love, and that the people you love would like to share those things with you.
Get Cozy
Go look up the word hygge, and you might instantly fall in love with the coziest vibes you’ve ever witnessed. This Danish and Norwegian word describes a lifestyle replete with coziness, comfort, and all the relaxation and great sensations that provides. Get in your PJs, your nightcap, your biggest slippers, and cozy up with a warm mug of mulled wine or cider, and let the warm feeling of the holidays wash over you.